November 29, 2010


Creature - What a vision.
The sight of you is enough
To bring the Saints back
From their graves.

Creature - What a sight.
We all know how you work,
The clocks are ticking in your head
With perfect synchronisation.

Perfect - There is no flaw.
The laws of nature have intervened
To make that which all desire,
To make that which has no flaws.

Or so they think.
But I know.
Those twisted thoughts and cruel emotions,
Pain that flows through every vein.

You can't scream, trapped
In an eternal whirlpool of masks
Which those questions force you to wear.
You have no choice.

But they will believe your face,
Because your face never lies.
Clear. True.

No Prince Charming to your rescue.
Your tower is guarded by the dragon - yourself,
Your bed is made of boiling Coal.
There is no escape.