November 29, 2010

That Feeling

15 things worth living for.

1. That feeling, when you're crying, and someone hugs you without saying anything.
2. That feeling, when you're hugging someone, and you just don't want to let go.
3. That feeling, moments before scoring a goal, knowing you are about to see the ball in the back of the net.
4. That feeling, while wakeboarding, with the wind in your face and the water around your feet, knowing nothing can stop you.
5. That feeling, when you close your eyes, and you know that you have nothing to worry about.
6. That feeling, when you sing, and there's nobody around to hear you, and nobody around to criticize you for doing so.
7. That feeling, when you listen to a beautiful song, or read an amazing poem, and get goosebumps all over your arms and back.
8. That feeling, when you see your favourite person and you know that there is nothing that is more important.
9. That feeling, just before you fall asleep after a long and exhausting day's work.
10. That feeling, when you can imagine that you are a different person, and realize that nothing is impossible.
11. That feeling, when you meet someone, and you just KNOW that you are going to get along.
12. That feeling, when someone you walk past on the road smiles at you, as if they understand what you've been through, and what you have yet to face.
13. That feeling, when you're dreaming and awesome dream, and it feels just like real life.
14. That feeling, when you look at an end result, someone you've raised, or something you've painted and see that it has blossomed into this beautiful thing, and know that YOU are responsible.
15. That feeling, after you survive, after you get through a life changing experience, and knowing you are still you.