November 29, 2010


Sometimes, I lose my faith in the gods,

Spit them in the face and call them dogs.

Why is it this way if all is for a reason?

I've been shown malice and endless treason.

Would a being so great create something like hell?

And if you lie, make you lose your way as well?

Is Mr. Almighty just the devil in disguise?

Sent to make us trip into our own demise?

These questions burn like fire from deep in Satan's heart.

They make you want to grip your own and tear it apart.

Is the way he treats us his method of misuse?

Or are me and my fellow beings slightly confused?

Is what others tell us merely something to accept?

Can this massive universe have so little depth?

Is the truth so shallow, we have nothing left to find?

Is there no more secret to body, soul and mind?

Is it possibly just me, wanting my way lit?

Cannot be, others must be too proud to admit.